Charleston Real Estate Video Blog

How the Mikki Ramey Real Estate Team Helps You Reach Your Goals

  • How the Mikki Ramey Real Estate Team Helps You Reach Your Goals

    Today I want to take a few minutes to introduce you to our award-winning team.

Wrapping Up 2018 With a Quick Market Update

  • Wrapping Up 2018 With a Quick Market Update

    2018 was a great year for sellers, but 2019 looks to be evening things out for all.

How Can Help You Earn Extra Income?

  • How Can Help You Earn Extra Income? doesn’t just help families comprised of medical professionals with their real estate needs—it also helps physicians themselves...

An Interview With the CEO of Zillow, Spencer Rascoff

  • An Interview With the CEO of Zillow, Spencer Rascoff

    Zillow’s CEO discussed the upcoming features we can look forward to as Premier Agents.

Happy Thanksgiving From Our Team to You

  • Happy Thanksgiving From Our Team to You

    We’d like to say how thankful we are for you.

How Can Help You and Your Family?

  • How Can Help You and Your Family?

    There’s a fantastic website out there for medical professionals and their spouses that will make the process of buying a home much easier....